Shipping label customization

You can customize your shipping labels by going to Master Panel > Setting > Label Settings.

GeekSeller offers limited customization options, but we are adding new options on an ongoing basis.

Customer Reference Number 1 – you can specify what data will be automatically added to your customer reference filed on a shipping label.

  • Available variables:
    %SKUS% – inserts a list of SKUs and quantity ordered. Format: SKU (QTY)
    – inserts a list of product names ordered.
  • Limitations:
    • UPS allows only 32 characters in the reference field
    • UPS provides Ref 1 and Ref 2 fields, however, to have the Ref 2 printed, you need to provide Ref 1. If you have only one Ref value – use Ref 1.
    • FedEx allows only 30 characters in the reference field