If you or another seller initially created a listing as a single item, grouping such items with other variations may be problematic on Walmart.
Let’s say you’ve created a single listing without variations:
After some time, you decide to add two variations to this listing. Once you edit the initial listing and add the same Group ID as for variations, you expect these three items to be grouped together and look like this:
Unfortunately, it may not be easy, and most probably, your attempts will fail. Since the initial listing has been created without variations, adding Group ID to Pink, Blue and Black variant may not be enough, and it will most likely end up like this:
Pink t-shirt will remain a single and separate listing, without variations. The other two variants will be listed as a group but without a Pink variant.
The same scenario applies to the case where another seller created a single listing and you decide to add variants to it and group all products together. It probably won’t work, either.
There are no tools available for sellers or even for third-party platforms like GeekSeller to fix it. The only way to resolve this is by opening a case with Walmart’s seller support and patiently wait for your case to be resolved.
Trying to fix un-grouped Walmart variants by yourself might be a waste of time. First, re-upload your SKUs to Walmart Seller Center and if it does not help, reach out to the support.