Bin Location

A bin is a type of storage within a warehouse that holds containers with products. This is generally the most precise a warehouse spot can be, and it is used to easily find products in the warehouse when picking them for shipment.

GeekSeller allows you to assign Bin Locations for products and print this information on your Packing Slips and Invoices. This information can be managed within the Inventory section by clicking on “+ Add a note” link. GeekSeller uses the name Note/Bin Location, as this value can be used for different purposes. The value assigned to SKU can be imported and exported via CSV file. Also, you can use the search to look for text within the Notes/Bin Location.

Notes/Bin Location on Invoices, Packing Slips, and Email Templates

When you create a custom template for your Invoices, Packing Slips, and Email Templates:

  1. Select Insert Variable:
  2. Then, from the shortcode category, select Items Table, and pick the shortcode that contains the Notes/Bin Location.

Using spreadsheet file to manage your Notes/Bin Location

  • To import Notes/Bin Location via CSV, go to Inventory > Update Inventory via File Upload, and use the column with the header name “Notes/Bin Location
  • To export data from the system to the file, go to Inventory > Export Inventory to a File, and download the template name “All columns (with data).”