If you are an active GeekSeller user and your account was suspended, please contact our support. We will assist you with the appeal, offering the option to file it on your behalf or escalating the case.
If your Walmart Seller Account is terminated, you might lose access to it. However, you can still reach out to Walmart and file an appeal by following these steps:
- Visit sellerhelp.walmart.com. Make sure you are logged out from your terminated Seller Account. If you encounter problems accessing the page, try using incognito mode.
- Scroll down to the section labeled “We’re here to help” and click on “Get Support.”
- After waiting a few seconds for the data to load, you’ll see that only certain options are available. Choose “Password or other access issue.”
- Another set of options will appear. If you’re filing an appeal, select “Appeal application decision.”
- Click on “Open Case via Email.”
- You can upload the file after you click the Submit Case button.
Additionally, some sellers have reported issues viewing the reCaptcha when accessing the form. If you encounter this, try clearing your cache and cookies, disabling ad blockers, or using Chrome in incognito mode. Sometimes, simply trying again later can also resolve the issue.
When you get to the form, consider the following tips for your appeal:
- Begin by understanding why your account was suspended. In your appeal, directly address these issues and outline a clear plan for improvement. Start your investigation with the Prohibited Products Policy for Marketplace Sellers and the Seller Performance Standards, as these are often the main reasons for the suspension. Additionally, familiarize yourself with the Walmart Marketplace Seller Appeals Process.
- Be detailed in your improvement plan. If you’re changing software, hiring additional staff, switching shipping partners, or changing warehouse providers, specify these changes and, if possible, provide supporting documentation.
- If you’ve been in business for a long time with an outstanding track record, presenting proof of your performance can strengthen your appeal. Consider sharing links to your product reviews on other marketplaces as evidence of your ability to deliver high-quality products.
- Ensure you use the same email address and Walmart Seller Display Name recorded in Walmart’s system, so they can identify your account with ease.
Walmart Appeal Template
If you can access your Seller Center account and submit your appeal there, you’ll receive a form with specific questions. But if you’re using the form described above, it’s best to send your appeal as a PDF file. Download and use this template for the Walmart account suspension/termination along with the appeal business plan of action – download template. To download the file, click File > Download.