Mercado Libre Seller’s Metrics (Reputation)

Your reputation reflects your performance, and it measures the quality of service you offer to buyers. In Mercado Libre, 5 colors reflect your reputation: 

You can see your reputation details on the Summary page in your Seller account. This is a very important metric, as per your reputation, Mercado Libre covers a part of sellers’ shipping cost.

Mercado Libre calculates sellers reputation based on three metrics:

  • Complaints – The number of complaints the seller receives from buyers.
  • Cancellations – The number of canceled orders by the seller.
  • Delayed Handling Time – The time it takes for sellers to deliver the package to the carrier. If you send within a 72-hour range, your reputation will not be negatively affected.

What time frame is used to calculate reputation?

Mercado Libre takes into account the past 60 days. If you have not reached 40 orders in the last 60 days, Mercado Libre will consider sales from the last 365 days (1 year).

For more details about how the reputation works, see this guide on Mercado Libre. If you are looking for Mercado Libre integration please see this link.