Mexico addresses, compared to the US addresses, are much longer and might have up to 6 lines of address. This is important to remember that each of these lines must be present to have the package delivered.
Walmart Mexico provides the following data about each order shipping address:
- Name
- Address 1: Street
- Address 2: Street Number | Unit Number
- Address 3: Neighborhood
- Address 4: Political Delegation/Municipality
- Address 5: Between which streets are located (Example: between 13th and 14th Streets)
- Address 6: For reference (Example: There is a palm tree and a bunker in the fairway for reference)
- City
- State
- Postal Code
- Country: this value will always be MX
In GeekSeller, the 6 addresses are combined into 2 lines:
- GeekSeller_Address_1: Address 1, Address 2
- GeekSeller_Address_2: Address 3, Address 4, Address 5, Address 6