Selling on TikTok

GeekSeller does not have a direct integration with TikTok. However, sellers can connect TikTok Shops to GeekSeller indirectly.

TikTok integration via Shopify

  • You can connect GeekSeller to TikTok via your Shopify store.

  • If your online store is using Shopify, you can connect your TikTok account to Shopify as an additional selling channel. Please see this guide for details.
  • TikTok will use your Shopify store to get data about inventory and will send you TikTok orders.
  • Sellers can connect GeekSeller to Shopify so that GeekSeller manages quantities and orders. Stored in GeekSeller inventory will go to TikTok via Shopify, and GeekSeller will receive your TikTok orders by downloading them from Shopify. You will manage orders and inventory from within GeekSeller.