Walmart Error: Price-related

Walmart might return different price-related errors. Examples are provided below:

  • Min. Allowed Seller Price Reached
  • Allowed Seller Price Reached
  • Price Adjusted
  • Price Adjusted – Seller Price: XX.XX
  • MPSUPPORT-45885 – Reasonable Price Not Satisfied
  • Current Offer At Or Below Target
  • Status Change Reason: Reasonable Price Not Satisfied

Solution: Try to adjust your price and resubmit, then create a support case if needed.

Those errors are usually intended to indicate that your pricing might be too low or too high, possibly due to a seller’s mistake. If you believe your price is correct, resubmit the product.

Another reason could be that your product is in a restricted category, as outlined in this Walmart knowledgebase post.

There are also situations in which Walmart itself, a DSV, or a Supplier is selling the product. Walmart does not want competition on its site for products they already sell. The reasonable price not satisfied is the code they currently use to identify these products. Unfortunately, we do not yet have a way to publish products that have been unpublished for this reason.

If you continue to receive this error, you must open a support case with Walmart to resolve the issue. Provide your price, SKU, and the error name in your support ticket.