Walmart Repricer

Our Walmart Repricer allows you to automate price adjustments on your products within a specified range to offer the most competitive price.

  • Can the repricer guarantee to win the buy box?
    The lowest price usually means you can win the buy box. Price is the most important factor, but it is not the only factor that determines winning. Other important aspects are shipping speed and price, your sales history, and performance (stats such as returns, on-time delivery, etc.). This means you might often have the lowest price yet still not win the buy box.
  • How does GeekSeller repricer work?
    GeekSeller provides an interface to easily set up your strategies for pricing and turn on and off repricer on your products. GeekSeller does not send prices to Walmart, nor do we perform calculations. GeekSeller utilizes a repricer tool that is hosted and operated by Walmart. This ensures the fastest operations.
  • How fast is this repricer?
    Even that with our solution this is Walmart itself adjusts prices on their end for your products, there are still delays, which might range from 15 minutes up to 4 hours.

Step 1: When you visit our Repricer page, you will be asked to activate the prices on Seller Center.

You will not see this step if you already activated it on seller center.

Please follow the instructions.


Step 2: Create a strategy

Click on Repricer Strategies to create a new strategy. We recommend keeping it as simple as possible and creating just one strategy to apply to all products.

Advanced settings: we utilize Walmart repricer features, but you might notice we only allow one type of repricing rule. Walmart offers 3 of them, but to keep the interface simpler, we decided to offer only the one which we recommend. If you want to use other repricing strategies you need to add them via Seller Center, and you will then see them in GeekSeller.

Step 3: Turn on repricer for products

Simply provide your min and max and toggle ON the button. If you have more than one strategy created, you need to select one from the dropdown. When done, make sure to click Save and submit. You can also manage these settings by importing them via a spreadsheet.

Step 4: Monitoring

For products with some repricer activity, you can see details in the Repricer History.


Possible Discrepancies

Product prices vary based on your location. Walmart also rotates sellers who win the Buy Box, and there are many factors that are not public.

Below is an example of a product: Infinity PR753T Primus Series.

Notice that the price and the Buy Box winner are different when accessed as a logged-in user and in incognito mode.

This is common across different products, so tracking the current price of the Buy Box might not always be possible. The Buy Box varies for different users, and the values provided in our panel are official values from Walmart reports.

When logged in:

When incognito: