Submit Products to Walmart without a Product Identifier (EAN/UPC/GTIN)

Walmart requires a unique product identifier (UPC/EAN/GTIN) for each listing published on their platform.

If you sell products that don’t have product identifiers (such as private label products, hand-made products, non-branded or wholesale products, and/or products with a customized element) you will need to either:

  1. Buy product identifiers for your products. 
    It’s important to exercise caution when sourcing your product identifiers. Please see our article on sourcing them here.
  2. Request a UPC exemption from Walmart.
    To request an exemption, submit a support ticket from your Walmart seller center explaining your circumstances. There is no guarantee that Walmart will provide an exception even when the products meet the criteria mentioned above.

After your exception is accepted, you can submit your products to Walmart and use the value CUSTOM as your barcode number.

SKU UPC Title Qty
abc-1 CUSTOM Product name 11